Thank You

Thank you for sending me your contact information!

Please watch your email for a response from  with the information you requested very soon.   Unless you changed it, the email will have the subject of “doTERRA: Essential Oils: Tell Me More.”  I try my best to keep my emails out of spam boxes, but just in case, watch your spam folder too.

If you have questions about anything – please email me!

Time To Make A Change
 Congratulations on taking your first step towards a new lifestyle with essential oils.   Look for enrollment specials below.  And at any time feel free to text me at 801.979.1445 (U.S. Mountain Time) with any questions.
Wholesale Membership Business Opportunity Stay In Contact
If you love essential oils, are looking to work on your health, or are looking to share the oils with others then a Wellness Advocate wholesale account is your next step.

Click above then select “Join & Save” to create your membership


  • 25% off purchases
  • Loyalty Program (Free Products!)
  • Free web software
  • Bonus products
  • No contracts
  • No Obligations
  • Just $35.00 (USD)to start – Free if you get  an enrollment kit


Both wholesale accounts include all the benefits above with the following differences:

Wellness Advocate (Recommended)

  • Enroll others – just in case someone asks ‘how can I order doTERRA Essential Oils’
  • FREE website (like mine: -View My doTERRA Site-)
  • Can earn commissions when you have a 100 PV (Product Value) order or higher on the Loyalty Rewards Program each month.
  • Learn More 

Standard Wholesale Account

  • Cannot participate in commissions or sponsoring others with doTERRA.
  • Cannot have a free website where others can browse the catalog, make purchases, or join your team.
What is your reason for starting a business?  

  • Want to help others improve their health?
  • Provide extra income?
  • Love teaching about essential oils?
  • Want to provide a better life for your family?

There really is no wrong answer.  Being true to your “why” is important because it helps you set your goals and stay energized to achieve them.


The business opportunity is a simple process of:

  • Marketing – find people to teach about doTERRA’s products.
  • Teaching classes or sharing information.
  • Provide information about membership benefits.
  • Support your team and assist those who also want to build a business to find success with health and business goals.

While the best business results are generally seen with in-person classes, you can also use web and social media marketing tools to help build your business.

You become your own boss and learn skills to

  • Master your time
  • Build a team and work with others
  • Learn ethical marketing and sales techniques

And along the way you may meet some really amazing people, gain some new friends, and change lives.



You have to have a Wellness Advocate membership to participate in building a team or earning commissions.

While you can enroll others to your team (help others get a wholesale account), you must have an order of 100 PV (Product Points) or more on the Loyalty Reward Program (LRP) to earn commissions.  The order must be on the “LRP” system BEFORE work happens which can qualify for commissions.

No contracts!  — So if you want to change a LRP order to be under 100 PV  you can.  You would only lose any uncollected commissions, but otherwise you are not obligated at all.

doTERRA’s goal is to help people through essential oils.  I love to hear about success stories with essential oils and hope you would be willing to share some of your successes with me.

With the focus of the business on helping others, my goal is to provide quality information how to use the products as part of your health and wellness program.  I encourage all the people who are pursuing their own business opportunity on my team to adopt the same care, support, and privacy practices I observe.

Social media is an amazing tool.  Right now you can join a new group I’ve created (click the Facebook icon) where you can interact with other people looking to join doTERRA for personal health or the business opportunity.

Once you have your membership there are other groups I will introduce to you which can help you find ways to use the oils and make connections which will help you stay on target with any business goals you may have.


I can share information about how to use essential oils to help with your health or business goals by providing customized information just for you.

But try as I might my email may go to your spam bucket!  Please check your spam for emails from so we can communicate.

I will respect your privacy and will not share any of your information without your permission.  That includes your contact / email information and anything you chose to share with me about your health concerns.


If you are in the U.S. or Canada I am happy to work with you by telephone too.  If you want a call call, let me know and we can set a call time.  If you want to text, do so any time.  I’ll text back as soon as I can.

I am in the Mountain Timezone.

I look forward to helping you with all your doTERRA needs.


Brian Howick
doTERRA Wellness Advocate
801.979.1445 (Mountain Time, U.S.)